Every architecture student dreads that final project season. It is the most stressful point in the semester. The project that effects our grade the most. The project we spend the longest period of time on. Though this semester was honestly a lot different than any other semesters final jury, we all still had our night-before scream matches about little things (Steve spilling watercolor paint on his pants... and project).
We were given a pre-existing facade of a palazzo in Rome (mine happens to also not exist anymore). Then analyze it, and lastly, recreate it to a more modern facade, or as i accidently said during my speech, “contemporize it.”
I’m not gunna go into details on here, because this a little more complex of an explanation than the last few projects, but all in all, I did well, and so did the rest of my class.
All 20 of us were relieved when jury finally was over, yet, at least for me, it was bitter sweet, because that means the semester is over =[ 4 more days...
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