“I’m going to Barcelona Easter weekend to surprise everyone, are you coming?” ...ok Joj, I’m game.
There was lots of screaming when we first arrived. And then it was time to tour the city the other 20 CUArch kids decided to study in. First. Champagneria. Champagne and burgers..... interesting combo, then beach, then jumping in the pool on the roof of their dorm. Wait, have you guys been studying architecture or just lounging all semester, i mean, youre all so tan!
The second day was time for some serious touring. With Joey and Josh at the front of our group, I got to see everything that makes Barcelona the beautiful city that it is. Gaudi designed most of it in his strange surreal manor. The things i studied in History class like Casa Batlo and Casa Mila. The people of Barcelona were a lot like Italians, the city itself was nothing like Rome.
The next day, the Rome team flew solo and went to see Park Guel, the one thing i NEEDED to see in Barcelona. It was absolutely beautiful. Gaudi, you are quite impressive.
Afterwords we met up with some post-studioed Barca kids (they have not had final jury yet) to take us to Tibidabo, the top of a hill on the outskirts of Barcelona. The church at the top of this hill, has a church on top of it, so their were 2 layers of really beautiful churches.
Easter morning, our last morning, we went to the Barcelona Cathedral for easter mass in not spanish, but the regions own language of Catalan (a mix of spanish, french and italian). I really had no idea what they were talking about, ever. I only picked up on “oh dio” because that is also italian for “oh god.”
Before departing, we took a quick trip over to the famously never finished Segrada Famiglia church (which just had a fire in the sacristy, so we couldnt go to Easter mass there), and then it was time to say hasta luego to our dear friends in Spain and return to Italy.
It was a great weekend to reconnect with friends and experience a great city. But i am definitely still happy i chose to study in Rome =]
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