Sunday, February 13, 2011

Assisi this time

We made it!

Got to the train station nice and early.  Had plenty of time to mozy our way down the terminal to get to the remote location of our train.  It was perfect.

Assisi was more beautiful than I expected it.  The quaint village was completely nestled in the mountains.  All the buildings were of the same local pink/peach stone.

We went into the first cute little church we saw.  Being the only ones in there, we were snap-shotting away at the stone arches and chipped frescos.  I got to the alter first and noticed something strange set out at the end of the aisle.... a wooden box... a large wooden box... with flowers on it.... white flowers.... white lilies... “uhhh.... Emily....?” she was on the other side of the casket from me, with her hand on her mouth.  We all took our last few photos, and then ran out.  Why was there a casket just all by itself?  Don’t you usually have funeral processions? What was this one waiting for?  

Assisi was extremely hilly.  My calfs were crying.  We made it to the first big-wig church, Santa Chiara.  Which contained Santa Chiara’s incorruptible body.  That means that she was holy enough to not decay after death.  Freeky.  There we stood.  Starring at her actual body.  Brig said it reminded her of Snow White.  I saw the connection.  It was still extremely creepy.

Then it was off by foot again.  We found a park that was basically a labyrinth of trees.  First time I twisted my right ankle.  Then we went into Castel Rocca Maggiore.  Now THAT was a playground.  It had towers and dark tunnels and winding stairwells and the best views ever. 

Assisi, where the story of Saint Francis took place, the patron saint of not only Italy, but also animals.  Do you think it is ironic that, well...

Pigeon Aim: 1  Brigid’s Backpack: 0

if we were a second slower, it would have landed on her head, a second faster, it would have landed on my head.  Biggest fail of the trip, and funniest part too.

Onto the Basilica of St Francis, I guess.  This is the other main church in Assisi.  My favorite one by far.  Not only did it take you down to a crypt church, but then it took you down to a 3rd level where St Francis’s body was.  His was happily hiding in a solid box thankfully.  I bought myself a little bracelet at this church and then it was time to go home.

It was a great day.  And I am so happy I finally got to see Assisi.

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